A team of Finnish artists, engineers, wizards and bitsmiths brings you ineffable visions from beyond the event horizon.

No mystery is too mysterious and no gravity well too deep for the best space & time travel agency on this side of Betelgeuse.

We do stage designs, video mapping and interactive installations.

KIVA is a fusion of Hexagon, Mikrovision, Astral Projector, Metsänpeitto, Ojji & Ida Elina.

Latest Artworks

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

Zxyplt’s Arrival

Kosmos Festival 2023 saw the introduction and landing of a spacefaring insect god Zxyplt.

sand texture

Spaceship Engineers


Hexagon is a living experiment fusing the worlds of natural materials and high technology. It’s a playground for arcane algorithms, occult bitstreams and tangible illusions.

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Astral Projector

Astral Projector is a virtual organism formed by two practitioners of electronic data processing who enjoy listening to computers while rhythmically bouncing photons at people.

Instagram | Facebook


For years, VJ Mikrovision has weaved hypnotic narratives with dark-toned compositions of lights & refractions. Mechanical and off-kilter, her visions mesmerize even the most jaded.



Look under the cap of the mushroom, and you can find it there. Look at the canopy of the forest. It’s also there. For the acute observer, nature-themed decorations by Metsänpeitto enchant you under ultraviolet light.


Ida Elina

Ida is a skilled painter of otherworldly landscapes and illusion-like psychedelic visions. How can something be this comfortably familiar, yet completely alien?
Let Ida show you.

Ida’s Gallery


Ojji is a storyteller, a bitsmith and a master of three dimensions. Our resident warp drive technician, he translates even the wildest thoughts to tangible solutions and makes even the most outlandish ideas obvious.
